Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Thursday, August 26, 2010
'Boo' On Facebook & 'Hooray' For Google

Facebook has an ad-filter that allows you to, as you go along, set which ads will appear on your account. You can mark an ad as offensive or misleading, and "Like" an ad that appeals to you.
I received endless disgusting right-wing Glenn Beck ads and marked them all as offensive. Now they have stopped.
Seeing as how this is the case I don't see why Facebook has taken extra measures to ban images of a pot leaf found in the legalization movement's ads from their network.
Google is now accepting the same image ads that include pot leaves.
A Facebook spokeswoman stated that they "don't allow any images of drugs, drug paraphernalia, or tobacco in ad images" and "Just Say Now, the Libertarian Party, and other organizations with similar objectives can continue to advertise on Facebook using different images."
But isn't it interesting the hateful right-wing never has to conform to any such standards to appear on Facebook.
This ban only hurts the message of the legalization movement, and considering that these are clearly political image ads there is no question in my mind about the factor of freedom of speech involved here that Facebook is obviously ignoring at their own peril.
It is one thing if they don't want to advertise head shops, but quite another if they want to put up every racist border rally ad but end up blocking the Prop 19 movement from the same exposure.
This Facebook policy is absolute bull crap, and Google obviously sees an opportunity to take advantage of the near-sightedness of Facebook on this matter.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Some news...
Thanks again for all your support!
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Fox News Spins Net Neutrality
CATO & Fixed News
CATO is a lot like Fox News in that they are really "think tanks," or rather propaganda machines, that are paid to work backward from the point of view that conservative policies are fantastic then produce a product that is supposedly "unbiased." However, with a smack of intellect anyone can see they are fudging their numbers / playing word games.
The sad fact of the matter is that 2 million some Americans will watch this Fixed News crap and love it and call it "credible" no matter how many racist witch hunts they engage in.
The very essence of capitalism keeps them alive; CEO Rodger Ailes has committed to making a billion dollars a year with Fox News & Fox News Talk and so far he done exactly that. Trouble is the way he is making that much money with just broadcasting platforms.
It's bully-tactics applied to news, and something called "oppositional journalism" that was unknown to cable news until these bastards came to town.
I enjoy what Bill Press said about Fox News:
"If one more person complains to me about Rupert Murdoch [or Rodger Ailes] I'm going to scream! We on the left need to start our own Rupert Murdoch."
I've been saying the same for years: money is going to decide The News Wars.
Progressives need some ultra rich backer doing media-battle with Murdoch to even things out a bit.
Microsoft is the man behind the curtain at MSNBC and Monsanto the man behind the curtain at PBS.
So there is room for a truly "progressive network" to do our own "news."
With quotes on it!
Friday, August 13, 2010
Monday, August 9, 2010
Sunday, August 8, 2010
In search of a (any) sensible guy....(GREEN MAN-CHRONICES)
These excerpts were taken from the journals of a little green creature that came as an ambassador from Jurano ( which we call Ganymede, one of Jupiter's moons) to Earth. Rumors have it that a copy of his journal exists within Area 51, and is under heavy security so that contents of it may not be released to the public. But recently someone from "Who knows Who We are (WWW)" Corp got in touch with someone from around Area 51 who got his hands on the following pages from the journals of that little green man from who knows where...ahem, sorry I mean from Jurano (Ganymede)...
"Its a never ending search, such creatures (sensible guys) don't exist. So There is nothing much for me to report. But one green man can see references of such creatures in the human Mythology from time to time, and you begin to wonder if they were green men who traveled here before me or what!!...
A survey conducted by me (green man) for "Sensible guys" among humans of all genders....
Never heard of such creatures ---------------------------> 25 %
Don't think they ever existed ----------------------------> 10 %

I think I am a sensible guy -------------------------------> 30 % (lol!!!)
Is this some kind of a joke, they
have been extinct since 001AD--------------------------> 20 %
Hmmm,Am I on candid camera?
and why are you green?----------------------------------> 15 %
I see that in all other aspects, listed below, the two (or more) genders of the human species are more or less equals. On earth, humans tend to associate themselves with lots of other attributes such as strength, intelligence, beauty, courage, rage, love etc etc... But they don't realize that sense and sensibility is the most important of all for all life forms across the universe.
On Earth they think a human is elite if he is intelligent, I think they do not posses the technology to artificially boost the intelligence and hence think its of utmost importance. What they fail to see is, there is no such technology in the universe that can boost sensibility.!! And with regret I report that one of the human genders, which they call the "male" is completely lacking in sense and sensibility!!
On the other hand it is interesting to note that, there is no dearth of sensible beings in the other genders of the human race. I thought I'd start my report on sensible Girls / Women, but looking at how much I' d have to write I am reluctant to venture into writing such a huge report for my short visit here. My reluctance does not mean all women are sensible, am just saying there is no dearth of them.
I think the real missing link is the link that dint pass down the sense and sensibility to the "man"kind or rather the "male"kind of the human race. Am curious to come back here and research on this subject of how one of the most important traits of a life form can cease to exist. Maybe my research on this will give insights on how to incubate and promote the sensibility gene in life forms, leading to a new technology for it just like the one for boosting intelligence. "
Other interesting excerpts from the same journal for the curious...

"Unlike us, the human race consists of life forms that have many genders and many sizes,colors and shapes. It is interesting to be able to distinguish between each of these life forms. Some genders are delicate and sometimes I can't take my light sensors off them. Some other genders have too much flesh and appear like machines built for hard work. Am happy to inform that the gender that is most sensible among all genders, gets to take care of the birth process of its younger one. Even though a little help is required from the "male" gender initially to kick off the birth process, later on its the sensible gender that naturally gets the custody of the development of the younger one.
The entire birth process takes about half a Jurano year which is a lot more compared to the green men offspring cycle. This long cycle of offspring birth is obvious since there is contribution from the not so sensible gender at the beginning. If there is overwhelming contribution from the male then the stupidity prevails and the offspring is again a not so sensible male offspring. But if the female contribution is more, then the offspring is a sensible bundle of joy."

"We are yet to sync the names of the stars, planets and Galaxies with these life forms so that they put an end to their lame nomenclature and use the universally accepted ones..They refer to our home as Ganymede..Ganymede!!! I wish there were more females in the cosmic nomenclature committees of this planet..At least they'd not be a galactic laughing stock like this..."
The "Who knows Who We are (WWW)" Corp and Mallya inc. are working on sorting out the data collected from this certain someone from around Area 51. You may have to wait for some more time for more excerpts from the Journals of the little green man, who constantly belittled human men...
PS: This blog is dedicated to all the Mythological sensible guys. People close to me may get to know who this blog is actually dedicated to, who is the source of my inspiration for this blog on sensibility of guys... I guess he (my inspiration) was suffering from Alexithymia... :P
Note: Please google "Area 51" and "Alexithymia" for more information on them.