Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Monday, May 23, 2011
Friday, May 20, 2011
Art Wallpaper
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Art Wallpaper
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Art Wallpaper
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Art Wallpaper
Art Wallpaper
Art Wallpaper
Art Wallpaper
Art Wallpaper
Art Wallpaper
Art Wallpaper
Art Wallpaper
Art Wallpaper
Art Wallpaper
Art Wallpaper
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
I don't feel like writing anything too serious today. I'll just keep typing into this laptop to fill up the space in my head that creeps and crawls. I have plenty to say, too much in fact. But it's not going on the Internet. Sorry but my ever so interesting life story is not something I'll put on here. I know all about tearing my heart out and wearing it on my sleeve for complete strangers. I'm the master of TMI ("too much information") and I ramble as bad in conversation as I do online. But the person I am changes too fast to even keep track of anymore these days. I will say this though: for someone so young I've lived a rather full and complex life. Even though I've barely lived at all I could die with a smile on my face today, I've made my mark and changed cold hearts with my compassion as well as hardened hearts with my malice. I can finally view existence as something that makes sense and remembered that believing in myself is the only thing that ever made sense to me.
In search of a (any) sensible guy....(GREEN MAN-CHRONICES continued..)
After nearly 7 months of digging into the journals of the little green man, interestingly we found references to a female form of the little green man. For the sake of simplicity we wish to call the females of the alien race "Little green women". The scientific term for "Little green women" has been declared by "Who knows Who We are (WWW)" Corp and Mallya Inc, as "Parvus Greeno sapiens pulcher intellegens formosa es wo-hominum" ahem... and FYI, the scientifc name for the "Little green men" is "Parvus Greeno hominum ".
We owe these findings to our accidental discovery of the Little green man's personal journals in which he has, ummm... well how best can we say this, expressed his love to his female companion/(s). This also gave us insight into the alien practices and their various emotions. If we are not wrong, the little green man seems to have been having an extra-marital affair with another little green chick!!!
The rationale for our above deductions is that, the "little green man" had 2 journals... <cough cough>... One in which he expresses that he misses his family and is pretty decently worded, <cough>... and the other one which was to his "other one" which is not so decently worded <more coughs>...
More so, we have another strong evidence about the green man having some extra marital adventure, that is, the picture on the cover of each of those journals are of different little green women. We also concluded that just like men on earth, the little green men fall for green chicks with beauty and lesser intellectual capacity than the green man himself and repent after getting committed to them.
All these above findings have been declared as classified by the authorities in and around the vicinity of Area51. So please be cautious as to whom you discuss these things with. We still don't know what was the social status or the little green man's position in his world. We do not want a inter-planetary war just cause the little green man's infidelity was made public in an alien world... ahem...
If you happen to see any little green people, act friendly and behave normally, just as you would have done before knowing about that little green man's affairs. What we mean to say is, don't act too friendly with the green men, just cause they are so much alike Earth men regarding marriage (having extra marital affairs) and falling for the wrong babes.
There is a lot of other dark truth that we need to uncover about the nature of the little green man who visited earth. No wonder he mentioned that he could not remove his light sensors off the human females!!! (In case you have missed Part1 of this research, please make sure you read through the following : http://mallyas-corner.blogspot.com/2010/08/in-search-of-any-sensible-guygreen-man.html . ) And now we realize why he kept saying that his visit was short but stayed for over a year on Earth... Guess he just dint wanna go back home to his family (wife).
We also feel, that the survey he took about the Earth men must have had ulterior motives. We got the hint that the Green men themselves are ranked as the ones with lowest sense and sensibility in the universe and that they were desperately trying to find some male form of any species in the galaxy, that has lower levels of sense and sensibility than themselves. We have enough proof that the "Little green man" thinks that the men of earth are morons (lack sense and sensibility).
Based on our findings and the excerpts from the little green man's journals, NASA is commissioning a galactic wide search mission. The mission is to search for intellectual life forms that lack sense and sensibility (are more pathetic) in comparison to the men on Earth.
(This is why we say men lack sense. Why cant they just try and be better beings than spending millions of dollars and searching this vast space for beings more pathetic than themselves.)
The following are the excerpts from his journal which indicate that the green man got what he wanted... someone more idiotic than himself...
"Hurray!! Men on earth lack nay have no clue of what is sensibility. I will be well rewarded by the men in my race for making this discovery and saving us all from this shame of being a green man...And my *other one* will see me as a hero and agree to have a extra marital affair with me..."
So you see one more thing in common with Earth men and the green men is fantasizing. They dream about things and people that they cannot have. So you see, the "other journal" was just his fantasy. Must admit that his ability to fantasize was awesome and the detail to which he explains,... ahem... For the sake of universal audience, we end this blog here.
So until next time, a warm goodbye from Who knows Who We are (WWW)" Corp and Mallya Inc..

**A graveling scoop : Some of the authorities in and around the vicinity of Areas51 have admitted to directly comming in contact with one of the green chicks that accompanied the little green man on his short survey of this planet. (we are still wondering what these authorities meant by direct contact....hmmm..) ;)
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