Saturday, June 9, 2012

Another way of seeing things

It is more just to pay out the proceeds of the economic rent compensation, pollution taxes and so on to all citizens as a social dividend than the current system.
We have at every turn chosen to consume more rather than to work less. 
This choice, driven by the money system, accompanied an accelerating drawdown of social and natural capital.
Under a system of degrowth with negative interest people will also share more and consume less, borrow more and rent less, give more and sell less all reflecting and engendering economic degrowth.
Money is unsuited to facilitate the circulation and development of the unquantifiable things that truly make life rich.
Gifts circulate rather than accumulate. 
Decaying currency under a negative interest system ensures that wealth remains a function of flow rather than of owning
Gifts flow towards the greatest need. 
A social dividend ensures that the basic survival needs of every person are met.
Part of living in the gift is to recognise and abide by the obligation to receive as well as to give.
To refuse a gift is to spurn a relationship.
A reason we are so intolerant of each other is simply because we have money.
Gratitude and obligation go hand in hand they are two sides of the same coin.
Clearly then reluctance to receive is actually reluctance to give.
After all, what you have taken in this life dies with you, only your gifts live on.
The truth is, has always been, and always will be that we are utterly and hopelessly dependent on each other and on nature.
To neither give nor receive, but to pay for everything; to never depend on anyone, but to be financially independent, to not be bound to a community or place, but to be mobile....... such is the illusory paradise for the discrete and separate self. 
Corresponding to the the spiritual conceit of non-attachment,  to the religious delusion of nonworldliness, and to the scientific ambition to master and transcend nature, it is proving not to be paradise but a hell.
Many observers have pointed out that each age is succeeding actually overlapping the last at an exponentially accelerating pace.
What if fear is self fulfilling, creating the very conditions of vulnerability and scarcity that it assumes.
Using money to destroy money
Finally a credit based system with decaying currency embodies two cardinal principles of the new world interdependency and impermanence.
Charles Eisenstein

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