ok well me and this kid named jplike each other.... A LOT!!!!! and we cant be together.... :( its really sad. we cant be together because well me and him r too busy to have a relation ship but we are apparently good friends..... but we both know that we wont to be much more than good friends we want to go out and we can't but it sooooooo weird because we act like were going out when we are at school together. except for the hold hands , hugging or kissing thath i want to do sooooo badly! :( cause we listen to each others problems he gives me his juice box and we look at each other a lot and dont forget texting a lot. its really hard to deal with and i have not told him any of this because... well i dont want him to know.... that i want to make out with him! i have tons of dreams about him too!in this one dream we are traped in my school and then he saves my life from this man that is trying to kill me and well we kiss because i am so happy that he saved my life! another dream that i have been having is the 1 about romeo and juliet. ( were reading it in language arts class) and im sitting on my balcany and he comes and says these amazing things ike your the only one for me with his GOERGUS eyes!!!!!!!!! and kiss :)and idk if he has the samr thoughts as i do...... but i really want to know!!!!!andi hope i can find out soon.... cause i cant keep all these feelings inside me any longer because im going to end up telling him about the day and night dreams that i have about him and end up telling him that i really like him and that i want to be much more than friends...... :( but i cant..... ( because i secretly like him and only my bff kayla knows...) he also makes me soooooo happy :) and cheers me up when i down and makes me feel so good about myself:) i cant explain it but i feel sooooo weak kneed around him too and when i look into his pretty eyes that he has i get lost because i cant stop staring :) ( his buetiful chocalte brown eyes )
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