Thursday, February 25, 2010

OMG!!!!!!!!!! good new

JP DOES NOT LIEK TESSA!!!!!!!!!!!!! tahnk god! ik that because well in spanish i was passing notes to jp and i asked himif he liked tessa and he said " no y?" and i said "o i though u liked her" and he said no ot anymore and i was all happy and i said o ok and then somthing bad hapend ( he almost found htat i liked him!) casue he said you sond relived and i was all like no... and then shannon ( this retared girl that i talk to who was halping me pass the note) wrote I <3 u and and then he got the note and he looked @ me and i think his face was like pink or somthing i was not paying attention to his face only his buetiful eyes and i was all like that was shannon and he was all like i thought because i was writing in pen and she wrote i <3 you in pencil so it was ovbious it was her.... and then he after spanish he looked like he wanted to talk to me and then he went upsatirs and i was still downstaris... and then in language arts we had fun cause all we did was talk then after school he let me call this strage # that called me on my phone in the middle of language arts and HE was all like this is ke$ah amd im ike no your not your a guy ..... but i had a great day :) i hope somthing like that happens in health 2marrow o and in language arts too! i hope he begins to like me again caus ei would <3 to go out with him again!

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