It is a pathetic place to be in: to find that the wo/man you trusted with your heart, body and soul cheated on your with another person, clearly choosing them above you.
However, it is not as simple as it may sound. Behind such events is usually a chain of circumstances that lead to infidelity. Many researchers, psychologists and love-gurus have worked to find the reasons for it and have revealed some great insights. Jumping the bandwagon, Your Tango also studied closely behaviors of couples faced with betrayal and have discovered some astounding, albeit not heard of earlier, findings for your perusal.
Remember, you asked for it. We let the cat out of the bag and reveal 7 astounding findings about betrayal, unfaithfulness & infidelity:
- Emotional dissatisfaction is the number-one reason both men and women cheat.It may sound surprising, but many men are really looking for someone to connect with, to be their best friend and their intimate partner, and when they lose that connection in their marriage, they may look elsewhere. While there are many factors that can lead to an extramarital sexual encounter, emotional distance is one that couples can prevent. If there's been distress, dissension or too much distance, take a marriage ed class to learn how to stay more comfortably connected.
- Sexual dissatisfaction comes in second
- 50% of the people agree that technology is a catalyst for cheating, only 7% indicate that Facebook has increased the number of affairs significantly. 90% say that dating sites like just provide the opportunity; if someone wants to cheat, he/she will find a way regardless of the sites or services available.
- 59% of experts agree that pornography influences infidelity.
- 47% of experts say that celebrities do not cheat any more frequently than the rest of us. However, 76% of experts claim that celebrity cheating scandals affect how the rest of us view infidelity.
- 57% say that if someone in a relationship has been unfaithful, it is not always best for him/her to tell his/her partner. Among the reasons offered for this counter-intuitive response was this: "If the person realizes that the event was wrong and inexcusable and wants to devote him/herself to the partner, telling the partner about the unfaithfulness may unnecessarily devastate the partner.
- Thankfully, there's hope for the unfaithful. 81% disagree with the adage once a cheater, always a cheater. Sometimes certain factors collide in one's life which may lead to cheating. Once those circumstances are handled or worked through (usually regarding the primary relationship), the temptation to cheat frequently disappears, never to return again. We say, be careful nonetheless.

Here are 21 ways you can prevent infidelity in your relationship
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