Thursday, June 28, 2012

Only the beginning

The recent marches around the world to protest government and bank corruption were just the beginning of something that must grow over time.
How it will manifest and express itself is not easy to see today.
That it will do so is inevitable.
People whose lives have been ruined by governments, special interest groups and bankers.

As one such, Nicla Crippa, 49, said: We can’t carry on any more with public debt that wasn’t created by us but by thieving governments, corrupt banks and speculators who don’t give a damn about us.
They caused this international crisis and are still profiting from it.
They should pay for it.
The protest along with those of the so called Arab Spring are indications of a wider part of humanity waking to demand justice.
Venting anger over years of economic and financial crisis since a global credit boom went bust in 2007.
Tens of thousands, nicknamed “the indignant”, marched in major cities across Europe.
As protests that began in New York linked up with long-running demonstrations against unpopular government cost-cutting and failed financial policies in Europe.
Notice how certain items get news time and others are ignored.
Notice how few politicians ''get it''
Notice how politicians are still talking about growth.
About fixing the economy.
About bailing out the banks.
Are they on a different planet?
The world economic model is broken.
The model of positive interest and endless growth is over.
But because of the special interest groups and the bankers this scenario will play and play.
Governments continuing to lie.
Bankers continuing to grasp.
The longer they ignore the increasing anger of people around the world the harder the violence to come.
When and how we cannot see today however come it must.
Why must it come?
When I have nothing to lose.
When I have no hope.
When I have no food or clean water.
When I see those who have so much.
This lights a fuse.
The fuse was lit last year.

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