Friday, June 22, 2012

I am not my body

Ever thought about that?
You are not your body.
Yes, you use the body you have in this life.
Yes, it is yours in the sense that you inhabit and use it.
The essential you though is not your body.
The real you is your consciousness.
And just what is your consciousness?
Every night you are unconscious, about one third of your life is spent sleeping unconscious.
Meaning that about two thirds of your life is conscious, but that does not answer what consciousness is.
It is this undefined consciousness that is the real you. 
Undefined because many can say what it is not, but they cannot say what it is.
So, our bodies might die.
In fact they most certainly will.
But I am not my body.
Yes I have and use this body.
But I am not my body.
I am the consciousness that inhabits and uses it.
And that consciousness is the real me.
The mind and brain are really separate, the brain doing what it is instructed to do by the mind.
The mind determining what the brain should process.
A simple statement and one open to challenge, but it is just making a point.
So going further the higher element in all this is the soul.
Where our consciousness comes from.
Man is a soul in other words.
OK so many might argue otherwise and that's fine I am just provoking a thought. 
Who or what are you?
The who is the sum total of all your many lives.
Lives that brought you to where you are today.
To what you are today.
The what is tougher to answer in a sense because it demands that we get to know ourselves in a more honest and complete way.
Start by asking others how they find you.
What are your good and bad attributes.
Note what you think life is about for you.
Then maybe you can approach the what more clearly once you know more about yourself.
Think about it.
Oh and another aspect is the reality that we are all interdependent.
We are also dependent on each other for many things.
For example our birth is dependent on the parents who bring us into life.
Those who educate, feed, look after us.
Gets more and more complex as we start to delve into what appear to be quite simple questions.
And knowing yourself better for what you are and are not is quite useful.
It allows you to be more at ease with yourself, and that has its uses in most situations.
Should you have great patience and stamina then what you are can be explored much further.
And the further you go the more you realise that some of those who went before us were pretty smart.
They left enough clues about what we are and what we are not.
We were too arrogant or busy to understand them.
Come to think of it we still are.
Shame really
Because to know what we truly are allows us to understand ourselves and our world so much better.
Allows us to participate in a more profoundly conscious way too.

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