Sunday, June 17, 2012

In flight reality

Ever noticed that the confined cabin of an aircraft provides the ideal environment for transmitting airborne diseases such as the common cold? 

With your fellow passengers making up to 400 potential sources of infection at such close quarters, the chances of the infection being spread via the re-circulated air are relatively high.
According to the Common Cold Centre at Cardiff University, experiments on exposing uninfected volunteers to the common cold infection have shown that the chances of catching a cold are directly related to the length of exposure. 
Therefore, you are much more likely to catch a cold on a long-haul flight to the Caribbean than on a short hop to the Med.
To avoid getting your trip off to an unhealthy start, here are some thoughts on staying healthy in the air.
Viruses and sore throats.
While it’s likely we’ve been exposed to every common cold virus in our home towns, we’re often subjected to a host of new viruses to which we have no immunity at our destination.
The best way to avoid cold and flu is simple hygiene practises. 
Wash your hands frequently and thoroughly as the cold virus can survive for a couple of hours on door handles and other communal surfaces.
Don't share food, glasses or eating utensils.
When a sore throat strikes, Dr Mike Smith, who has a special interest in colds and sore throats, believes the best treatment is one that lets the body still do its defensive work.
Get your hands on something that will get straight to the site of the pain, such as an anaesthetic throat spray, but don’t worry about fighting off the overall infection – that’s what your sore throat is doing already.
Travel sickness
Ginger has been shown in a number of studies to reduce the symptoms of motion sickness associated with travel by boat and to a lesser extent by car or plane.
Ginger is considered a tonic for the digestive tract, supporting digestion and toning the intestinal muscles. 
This action eases the transport of substances throughout the digestive tract, helping to lessen irritation to the intestinal walls.
Ginger’s beneficial effect on motion sickness appears to be related to its direct action on the gastrointestinal tract, rather than on the central nervous system.
They don't call it the red-eye flight for nothing.
Long-haul and particularly overnight flights can leave you eyes dry and painful and an eye drop matching the pH of healthy tears is an essenial on-flight carry-on.
If you are a contact lens wearer, opt for a specialist product to avoid drying out the lens and irritating the eye further.
Stress and anxiety
If you are an anxious flyer, a long-haul flight can cause bloating, dehydration and stress breakouts, leading to premature ageing. 
Many hospitals, including the Royal Free in London, now have a full time psychologist in its dermatology department due to the links between stress and skin complaints.
Stress can affect the health, condition and ageing process of our skin.
A cooling face spray is calming and refreshing, stopping skin drying out as you get flushed at 30,000 feet.
Essential oils such as lavender, bergamot, peppermint and grapefruit can also help calm and revive you. 
Drink water frequently.
And let thoughts of dying behind the pilot wants to live as much as you do, trust her.
Decide to enjoy the flight and everything about it.
A positive frame of mind is more helpful than one worrying uselessly.
Snooze and doze frequently, consider this a luxury you cannot normally indulge in!
Savour the freedom of not having to do anything.

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