Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Libya and its belated lessons

Someone said to me that UN approved use of force against the Gadaffi regime in Libya was hypocritical given the way the world has ignored the atrocities going on in the Congo.
In the Ivory Coast.
In Uzbekistan.
And human rights abuses in China.

Murder and torture in Bahrain, Yemen, Syria and the rest.
Abuse of human rights in oh so many many countries.
Yes all so very true.
And yes certainly the world should start naming and shaming more of them.

It is indeed hypocrisy to help only one country free itself from an evil dictator.
However as the world is changing rapidly in so many ways that maybe it is better to welcome the creation of a precedent.
Larger more powerful countries ruled by force and fear also need naming and who is going to do this?
It was I feel right to make a start.
Come to think of it how much freedom do you have?
Are your communications secure?
Can you do or say as you want?
In reality we all live in countries where our own freedoms are circumscribed by endless controls.
Some hidden, some open.
And no we do not get tortured in the way that Libyans were by Gadaffi and his thugs.
We do live in a fear though.
A fear for our jobs and while we might not want to compare the two types of fear.
They both cause misery and suffering.
So knowing job stress we can certainly feel for the continuing turmoil in Libya .
For those who lost their houses and livelihood.
Yes we can all feel compassion for Syrians being murdered daily by their government.
And yes it is also true that most are circumspect about bad behaviour at work or in their own societies.
Keeping your job is number one priority for many.
So mouth shut about things that are not fair or even reasonable.
None of us can see what the future holds.
None of us can see what is coming our own way.
Compassion for all humans is in order.
Libyans or Syrians it does not matter we are all human.
And did we learn anything from Libya?
Messy business it was, and still is for sure.
However for all the mistakes and power plays, yes we learnt.
That we live in a time when such regimes have no place on this planet.
And yes that raises questions about many more evil men running countries.
And just how should they be tackled in reality?
Your ideas are what?

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