Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Modern flying

Flying has become a drag, and yes I know, I do all the good things to make it less so
However with security and interminable waits.
Coupled to cramped seating in economy.
With pay for everything on all local flights.
What a relief to get on a long haul flight with one of the three.
Qatar, Ethihad or Emirates

New planes, smiling crews, good food, excellent entertainment.
And usually punctual, with leg room and wider seats.
Contrast with old planes on the so called legacy carriers in Europe.
Poor, tired service.

And that's good compared with your Ryan air and Easy jet.

Pay for everything.
Scrum at the gate.
Fight your way to grab a seat.
You wonder why if they have computerised ticketing, which they all do.
Then what's the magic in assigning seats?
Somehow it seems that this is part of the challenge of flying with them.
And it's not about money the software is easy, all the others use it.
Loading the aircraft is no quicker particularly if you use trickle boarding.
Yes, yes I know exactly what some of you are thinking “here he goes grumbling about flying.” 
And you are right, I should stop moaning but sometimes it is nicer not to.
It’s the whole experience I am coming to dislike. 
Not just the fact that I am 35,000 feet in the air breathing in everyone else’s bad wind. 
I am coming to dislike flying because it turns the nicest people into selfish bastards. 
I'm not kidding………..most passengers morph into total shits the minute they’re handed a boarding pass. 
Let me explain what is so irritating.
When queuing ….sorry…………..lining up…………. at check-in, why do people always ensure they leave it until the last second to get out their documents from their carry on?
Why do people always run to get to their seat on the plane as if it might get full otherwise.
………….. unless you are flying Ryanair in which case your life is already at the bottom of the barrel?
Once seated why do people immediately buckle their seatbelt and sigh loudly every time they have to unbuckle and stand up to let me get to my seat. 
Oh and how annoying is it when people take an eternity putting their bags in the overhead locker, standing all the while in the aisle blocking everybody else. 
And why do I always sit next to passengers who remove their shoes even on short flights.
Why do passengers always recline their seats to its fullest extent, particularly when my meal is being served. 

Then there are the interminable in flight announcements about what we can buy on the plane.
As if hours wandering around airport shops has not put you off enough.
Definitely undo your seatbelt the second the plane lands even if the light is still switched on which will mean you get home faster.
And that is not to mention getting to and from the airports.
Just allow a day to go anywhere in Europe today.
Not any longer
I can go from London to Paris in a comfortable train in just two and a quarter hours.

Down-town to down-town
No baggage restrictions.
Comfortable seats, with easy leg room.
Bookable seats.
Minimal security hassle.
Arrive at the station twenty or thirty minutes before departure.
Costs a bit more but when you factor in the time to get to and from the airport.
The bullshit that goes with the flight.
It's a no brainer.
Shame I don't go to Paris more often!
Never mind 'flying days' have become days to write off that's all.

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