Saturday, June 16, 2012

Psychiatric treatment today

A favourite way to treat psychiatric conditions today is to give patients Prozac or the like.
Often these are referred to as SSRI's to give them their formal name.
Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors or serotonin-specific reuptake inhibitor (SSRIs) are a class of compounds typically used as anti depressants in the treatment of psychiatric conditions.
Certainly giving someone a pill is easier and less time consuming than trying to find the underlying causes of illness.
Takes less effort too.
Makes more money for those involved in the chain.
And it has the commercial advantage that once someone is on such drugs most will stay on them or others like them for long periods of time.
Almost unnoticed doctors have medicalised psychiatric conditions. 
They have done so by pretending that life and the world as we know it is just fine.
Pretending that if you do not find this world today as being just fine then you are the one who has the problem.
If living this good modern life renders you depressed.
Or anxious.
Or unable to concentrate.
Or totally stressed out.
Then, well, you've got an illness haven't you?
They will say the problem isn't the world.
And it isn't the life you have chosen.
It is the chemistry of your brain.
And by the way that can be adjusted.
Just take these pills.
One consequence of the killing of pain with pills.
Whether physical or psychological, is that it makes a painful world more tolerable.
Any society in which the intensity of discomforts and pains inflicted renders them culturally 'insufferable' could not but come to an end.
If it were not for these pharmaceutical methods of controlling the psychological pain of living the modern life, society as we know it would quickly crumble.
The same holds on the individual level: just as the medication of society allows it to exist at a much higher level of pain than it otherwise could.
So does the suppression of symptoms in the individual allow life to go on as normal.
People on SSRIs such as Prozac have told me that the medicine enables them to cope with life.
And so it does.
It allows life as usual to proceed.
After a while though the side effects begin to manifest.
Time to put you on another different pill is the standard answer.
And for some maybe many this goes on and on, year after year.
Functioning but never quite feeling the world.
Always in a slight haze.
For the lucky ones they get off pills altogether.
And they will tell you that feeling the world with all its problems is much better than living in a haze.
Look around you and notice how many are on pills.
Oh you cannot see them?
Pretty neat such a well kept secret.
Actually it's millions and millions all around you.

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