Monday, June 11, 2012

Questions Remain Unanswered As "The Killing" Nears It's Conclusion

A lot has happened since April 3rd, 2011. America finally got Osama Bin Laden, the Giants won the Super Bowl, Sitch went to rehab and I even lost my virginity. But one thing that has remained constant throughout that time period is the fact that we still don’t know Who Killed Rosie Larsen? But that’s all about to change next Sunday, in the season, and possible series finale of AMC’s hit crime drama, “The Killing.”

Last night’s episode, “Donnie or Marie”, brought us one gigantic leap closer to solving the mystery, but we’re still not quite there yet. The show opened up with officers swarming in on Linden and Holder at campaign headquarters, followed by our heroes deciding to cut a deal with Mayor Adams, offering up the doctored photo his camp released to incriminate Richmond, and in return the duo was granted immunity to continue pursuing the case. This was a landmark scene for the franchise because for the first time this season it became apparent that Adam’s camp had nothing to do with Rosie’s murder, a realization that would have seemed preposterous just a week ago.

When the sun finally rose in Seattle, it marked the start of Election Day. Setting the stage for the appropriate and inevitable conclusion of this drama. Richmond got himself a haircut, voted and then hit the trail for some last minute self promotion. While this was going on, more and more evidence began piling up, seesawing our acquisitions between Richmond’s right hand men (and woman), Gwen and Jamie. In a half hour stretch we found out that Gwen drove the murder vehicle earlier that night, lied about her alibi, requested a new key card the Monday after the Larsen murder, has a long standing relationship with the Wapi Indian Casino and uses her “va-jay-jay” for political gain. More importantly than that, we found out that Jamie lives with his grandpa (loser!), used his political pull to fast track official documents to get Ames behind Richmond, and most crucially of all, was on the tenth floor on the Casino, meeting with Chief Jackson and Ames, the night Rosie was killed.

This shocking revelation brings everything full circle, to the point that I almost got mad at myself for falling for all the red herrings that were thrown our way throughout the two season ordeal. Rosie was found in a campaign car, so why wouldn’t we immediately think it was the work of one of Richmond’s people? The final monkey wrench came in the shows closing moments, with Richmond within just 2% of Adams in the updated polls at 9pm. He then received a phone call from a grizzly old man, and in the next scene is shown inside said man’s home.  The man in front of him is Ted Wright, presumably Jamie’s grandfather, and the man who’s legacy was used in almost all of Darren’s speeches. You know the one I’m talking about, “They say that bad luck can either break you or make you the man you are” where he talks about a man named Ted Wright, who overcame crippling adversities, etc. Only the man standing before him looks more alcoholic than paraplegic, and the duo is joined shortly after by Jamie himself. The scene cuts away before anything of substance is reveled.

But with one more hour of twists and turns remaining I wouldn’t go throwing all of my eggs into the Jamie basket just yet. “The Killing” has been consistently inconsistent since Day 1, and nothing is outside the realm of possibility. Though it has been established that Jamie was at the meeting and (most likely) was the one to shut Rosie up, I could still see Gwen, Darren or both playing substantial roles in executing the murder. 

Another long shot to consider is Aunt Terry. She’s the one with all the skeletons in her closet, no family to worry about, motive ($, Ames, escort service ring, jealousy?) and a track record. And although she did a stellar job filling in for the emotionally handicapped Mitch in her absence (bonus points for wearing sexy lingerie/kissing Stan), she just has this dark aura about her that keeps her in play as a suspect until the fat lady sings (credit roll next Sunday). I think Linden’s theory that killing someone without looking them in the eyes is a female trait was a very telling quote, and I still can’t shake Terry’s reaction to seeing the picture of Rosie tied up in the trunk, in Stan’s draw from two weeks ago. Something about that scene still doesn’t sit right with me. 

The only thing I know for certain is that next week’s episode is going to bring a bittersweet conclusion to one of my favorite shows of all time. And though at times it’s been frustrating, exhilarating, captivating and even infuriating, it was always entertaining. Here’s to next week.


Jamie (-140)
Gwen (-110)
Darren Richmond (even)
Terry (+140)
Chief Jackson (+175)
Ames (+200)
Mayor Adams (+200)
Random Black Dude In Adams Camp (+300)
Stan (+600)
Field (+750)

-fresh (@danye33)

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