Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Dads Are The New Moms? Sign Me Up!

(Yahoo!) According to the most recent Census, the number of stay-at-home fathers in the United States has tripled in the past 10 years up to 154,000. Yet, these at-home dads are still the exception to the traditional household and many treading in unchartered parenting waters. "I think it's often perceived as something that people do without having a choice about it," he said. "This is something I was really excited to do." As Jake plays with their daughter, Erica spends her day knee-deep in tax documents. This working mother said she doesn't feel resentment towards her husband, but jealousy. "Definitely I am jealous when he calls and says 'oh she did x, y, and z' and I'm so happy that at least one of us gets to see it," she said. 

 Since the stone age (I'm assuming) it's been the mans job to provide for his lady and children, risking death and depression to make ends meat and keep the family above water. But not anymore! It looks like the tables are finally starting to turn for us men for the better. I can't for the life of me think of anything that would be better than being a stay at home dad. Make a couple of PB&J sandwiches, walk the kids down to the bus stop, check out the 9 am Sportscenter, "surf" YouPorn, (maybe) workout and then just blog all day from this computer chair. Greet the misses with some kisses, order in some dank takeout, rinse and repeat. Everyday would be like that movie Groundhog Day, only instead of covering some rodent in Punxsutawney, you'd be living the care free life of a adult frat boy with the occasionally duties of driving little Timmy to karate or taking Emily to Cold Stone. There's nothing emasculating about having your wife bring home the bacon, as long as you provide the stuffing. 

-fresh (@danye33)

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