Tuesday, June 5, 2012


Can you imagine, the enormous debt that our society has amassed over the last few millennia?
Every government almost without exception is in debt.
Billions and billions of $ of it.
In the case of some countries trillions of $.
No way can this ever be repaid.
No way will this ever be repaid.
The most that governments do is to pay the interest on this debt.
Many today cannot do even this.

While it may seem that we have escaped more or less scot-free by passing the debt on to future generations.
The truth is much worse.

We are now paying the price ourselves.
The destruction of our natural resources for short term gain.
The increasing disappearance of species.
The huge poverty around the world caused by the breakdown of societies and cultures.
This price is paid by our souls.
Because we know this behaviour is wrong.
We know it to be unsustainable.
The just reward for our ignorant, arrogant, deluded despoliation of planet and culture is the ocean of suffering that engulfs our species.
The wars and atrocities.
Rape and genocide.
The brutalized children.
The slums of the Third World.
The lives without hope.
The diseases and famines.
And in the rich countries, the depression and despair
Anxiety and fear.
Emptiness and loneliness.
The tragic reduction of human potential that leaves even the winners of the rat race among the sorriest rats of all.
It does not have to be this way.
It can only change when we want it to change.
When we become engaged.
As I say so often are you engaged?
Your choice, you only have this life once.
Only a short time ago you could say that some of what I wrote were hypothetical doom scenarios.
Today they are with us in reality.
I have moved on to become more engaged.
Have you?

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