Thursday, June 7, 2012


Left: Beverly, Joana
Requested by Honoria Via C-Box at the side of this blog. You can request too. Just hit the comment space or the black C-Box on the right hand side of this blog and I'll do my best to fulfill your request.

"Self is described as the latter statement not only describes the self, as the individual identifies himself/herself, but evaluates the self by putting worthiness on it...... Self esteem is both defined as descriptive and evaluative self-related statements..." ---- As it was described by the Wikipedia. The point is, self-esteem is what you see in yourself and how you evaluate yourself with what you see. Since everyone have different way of thinking, it means everyone evaluate themselves differently. It can be either positive or the other way round. It's what you believe about yourself.

Do you know that self-esteem has a big impact on how the person is behaving and performing? Successful people usually have a very high self-esteem. A positive self-esteem may cause certain people to behave confident and very competitive. While those who have a very low self-esteem tend to fail in most of things. This is due to the lack of trust and confidence in oneself. Low self'esteem may be due to factors such as life experience. How people view us and say about us affect a lot of how we may evaluate ourselves.

It can be illustrated like this, Kyra looked into the mirror as her mind wanders.."Gee... I'm so skinny! I'm gonna look funny with shorts and spaghetti. I can never be like Sasha... She's so pretty and perfect! And me? Everyone hates me. No boys gonna want me..."

While Sasha was also looking into the mirror and thought... "Oh my... Look at those hips. I looked like a big mama! Hmm... Kyra was lucky to have that model like body. But its okay... at least I still can fit in those jeans.. I'm not that fat anyway."

Sasha may be a bit jealous of Kyra but she has a positive input into her thought. She's confident and accept herself. Instead of looking at her flaw, she looked for what's positive in her and strive for it to bring out the best in her.

And for Kyra, she has a negative remarks on herself.This cause her to didn't socialize much and refused to be in any competition while Sasha, she wants to be in every competition to prove that she is something and that there's more to her than her little flaw.

What people say about us affect most of our self esteem. But, instead of saying.."He/she's right..." say, "Oh really? I'll prove to you that its not true." Sometimes, it is kinda hard to take. Especially when they are talking about our appearance. But you can always make it right or if it can't be fixed, accept it. Nobody's perfect anyway so why bother to be one? You're only adding a pain to yourself and resist yourself from enjoying life.

Here's a few of my technique (which you can use if you want) to overcome bad remarks that people hit me...

1st.... I'll listen to them carefully. Ask them what makes them think so and try to fix it. Though its hurting, just listen and accept.!

2nd... I'll laugh with them and just add their jokes and be a little sarcastic to tell them that you know and you hate them talking about it. For example, they said.."'re so skinny! Like a skewer!! I bet the next time the wind blows, you're gonna soar with the wind.. hahaahah!" ~Ouch... It's a joke and don't kill the joy. Instead of giving them a sour face, I'll just say, "hahahahah! I know! And, I don't need you to tell me that again.LOL!"

3rd... When they give me a downer remarks like for example, they said, "You are so stupid! You don't belong in here!" or..."Okay, your voice sucks. I don't think you can sing Bev." ~Ouchhh. But don't fight back! Just keep quiet but say this in your heart..."Okay... I may be not good right now, but you'll see. I'll make you suck back those words." But don't forget to make sure you made what you says come true.

Before I end this, I'd like to share one of my favorite quotes by Paris Hilton, "What people saw in you is 80% what you saw in yourself". Therefore, value yourself. Instead of saying..."I'm worthless and bla... bla..." say, "I'm AMAZING!" and hold on to those words.

Any additional facts or opinions?..Just proudly hit the comment space. No one's gonna bite. :)

For more Information.... Go to Teens health.

Left: Joana, Beverly

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